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Input and output of the two-stage propane regulator


Portable LP system
Two troughs, automatic switches, two voltage regulators for camping and RV equipment. These Lpg Regulators allow simultaneous use of two independent LP tank. The first tank is devoted to an empty date. Switching regulator automatically disconnect the tank and engage in full of the water tank. The liquid propane is first converted into a high-pressure gas in the first regulator, and then enter the second phase of the end-use conditions necessary adjust the conversion, seamless automatic switching regulator, while control tanks.
Liquid propane and high pressure, the first phase of adjustment
Highly pressurized propane tank storage of gas in the liquid state. The form of liquefied propane gas is very easy to transport of the economy, so this is an industry standard. As the liquid into the pipe to the leadership at home, in the first phase, or high-pressure regulator, high pressure gas into a liquid propane.

The second phase of adjustment
The second phase of adjustment, or is generally known as a low pressure regulator can reduce the high pressure propane gas appliances or furnaces use an appropriate level of pressure. The gas separation of high and low pressure regulator, control, and more effectively transported from the tank to the entry point of the family.

The design advantages of the two systems
When decompress and return to a gaseous liquid around the energy is absorbed gas. This process creates a sudden drop in temperature of the equipment and use of supervision. Converted by creating high-pressure liquid propane low pressure gas system in the two-stage temperature drop of each regulator within the limited operational tolerance. If the gas from the high-pressure liquid step conversion to the low pressure gas, the temperature dropped, create a greater possibility, regulators can freeze and create significant delivery problems.

Gas flow advantages of the two systems
Because the gas is first converted to the high pressure gas from a liquid to provide natural gas, and then from the high-pressure gas and low pressure gas, two stage system, the most effective from the tank into the home. In many cases, the liquid propane tank installed in the home is a considerable distance. By maintaining high pressure in the gas tank and between families, the gas was delivered to the volume necessary to provide a variety of gas consumption rate.