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The level of transport of the cylinder


Transport cylinders
Cylinders regularly transported from the special point-to-point carrier, trolleys, derricks and cranes, railway wagons and trailers, conveyors, powered vehicles and ships, according to the distance and the cylinder content. For example, the truck transporting compressed hydrogen cylinder and the car is the most common way to move within the same region of Lpg Cylinders . Use and transport cylinders are generally safe. However, there are potentially serious accident, if the cylinder is safe handling.

Level of risk conveying cylinder
The contents of the cylinder can cause considerable risk to human life. This risk is increased when the cylinder pump level. Products, such as nitrogen, can cause suffocation and oxygen can cause a fire. Acetylene is a highly flammable gas used in cutting, brazing and welding of metal and steel. Containing acetylene cylinders must always be maintained and transported in an upright position, preferably in a vertical rack, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Horizontal transport of acetylene cylinders may cause the gas within the container becomes stable and cause an explosion.

Liquefied petroleum gas and compressed natural gas cylinders must not transport level.

Carry flammable substances, such as IPG Group, cylinders, hydrogen and ethylene, which is the risk of an explosive must be stored and vertical transportation.

Inert gas and frozen liquid cylinders, such as those carrying argon and nitrogen, and prone to leaks, if placed horizontally, causing sleepiness, choking, coma and even death.

The cylinders carry toxic substances such as sulfur dioxide, must be only vertical transport.

It is the safe transport of certain level of medical Gas Cylinders . Round-bottomed bottles and small cylinder can transport level, and provide them at a safe level adjustable cylinder brackets.

Cylinders to be handling and transport through the proper equipment, training and personnel. The cylinder must be clearly pointed out that the label on the surface.